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Why? is it that a country of population more than a 330 Cr. not even able to make position in top ten Olympic nations. The answer can be found in the fundamentals: unavailability of facilities to potential talent at grassroots level. Other nations start working on their talent from kid-stage and prepare the champions. We prepare them after being champion when no need is left.
- On the main “Donate Now” page, “We also accept cash donations along with a copy of your PAN card. If you wish to donate in cash, please write in to , or call us on +91 800 600 3588

हम सभी श्रेष्ठ मानवों के द्वार पथ (Aryangateways) के मंच से आप सभी ममहानुभावों का आवाहन करते हैं। आओ देश के गांव/मोहल्लों /कस्बो मे पड़ी बर्बाद होती योग्यता और प्रतिभा को पहचानकर उनको देश का नाम रोशन करने के पथ पर अग्रसर करें। आओ प्रतिभा रुपी हीरो को आभावरूपी कोयले की खान से निकलकर उनको तराशे ताकि वो देश के मुकुट मे सोभायमान हो सकें। आपका सहयोग वास्तविक अर्थो मे श्रेष्ट होगा। We, from the platform of ‘Aryangateways’ welcomes you all the noble persons. Let us identify the wasting (without guidance) talent lying in the villages/ towns of the country and lead them on the path of illuminating the name of the country. Come; let the diamonds get out of the coal mine of distress, so that he can be graced in the crown of the country. Your cooperation will be excellent in real sense.